That Christmas | Review
‘If you feel alone, Christmas can be tricky’
‘If you feel alone, Christmas can be tricky’
Following a research tour in Japan, Stan Sakai is slated to appear at Tokyo Comic Con, with an exhibit featuring Usagi Yojimbo.
Following a research tour in Japan, Stan Sakai is slated to appear at Tokyo Comic Con, with an exhibit featuring Usagi Yojimbo.
A deep dive into Weekly Shonen Jump’s 2024 rankings, highlighting the magazine’s biggest hits, rising stars, and struggles with deadweight.
‘What could be better than this?’
‘Are you saying, Santa Claus has been kidnapped?’
‘The best way to bring folks together is to give them a real good enemy.’
Longtime SDCC Artist Alley organizer Clydene Nee passed away this week and the industry remembered her
Longtime SDCC Artist Alley organizer Clydene Nee passed away this week and the industry remembered her
‘You can take the bear out of the jungle but you can’t take the jungle out of the bear.’